A blog about the difficulties and joys of working as a missionary in the Philippines.
Wednesday, November 7, 2012
Many people on the internet are going crazy about the recent election and the results. Every since the campaigns started, many Christians have been posting statuses which have been pro-one side or the other, and have even been very ugly and disrespectful to one or both parties. Now that the election is over, people have been going so far as to say that this isn't God's will, or that God ISN'T in control of what has happened. I don't want to ruffle any feathers here, but I figured I would share a few things that I've been thinking about since all the posts popped up on my feed.
When the Christians in the first century were having difficulties with the government, what did the Apostles tell them they should do? While you think about that question, remember that this government was the very one that was arresting Christians and killing them for their faith. Look at what Peter says about this.
1 Peter 2:13 You submit to every human creation on account of the Lord, whether to king as supreme,
14 whether to governors as being sent through him into vengeance of the ones doing evil and praise of the ones doing good;
15 because thus is the will of the God while doing good to put to silence the ignorance of the unthinking men,
16 as free men and not having the freedom as a cover of the evil but as slaves of God.
Another thing to consider is Jesus. Remember who decided to have him killed? Peter has something to say about this as well...
1 Peter 2:21 For into this you were called, because also Christ suffered in behalf of you while leaving behind an example for you so that you might follow his steps,
22 who did not sin neither was guile found in the mouth of him,
23 who being reviled did not revile in return, suffering he did not threaten, but he handed it over to the one judging justly;
24 who brought our sins in his body upon the tree, so that after dying to the sins we might living to the justice, you were healed by the wounds of him.
Considering all of this, does it really matter who we vote for? Does it really matter if we are living under a monarchy, communist dictatorship, or a theocracy? Jesus told Pilate that he came into this world to establish a HEAVENLY kingdom, not one upon this earth (John 18:36). A friend of mine put it very well:
"Me: I wonder who Jesus would have voted for...
Other me: Silly goose, you don't vote when you're king. You've already won."
Let's not forget that the victory has already been won and all we are doing is waiting for our king to return and take us into his kingdom. This is quite comforting, at least for me :)
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ReplyDeleteExcellent post, Sara.
ReplyDeleteSomething that goes along with that, is all the disparaging and hateful comments we hear about the person who is leading one's country. This is especially true about the USA. It seems that members of the party not in power delight in mocking and dishonoring whomever is the leader at the moment. Peter took your thoughts even further in verse 17 [1 Peter 2:17], when he said don't just submit to the king, but "Honor the king." If anyone was more despicable and not deserving of honor, it was Nero. But Peter told us to honor (other applicable words are revere or venerate) the king. What lights in a dark world we would be if we honored rather than disparaged those who God has set over us. Perhaps he allows leaders that we might think are not the ones to lead us to see if we will submit in faith and love to the One Who truly leads us and to Whom we owe everything?