Well, I figured that it was about time that I start a blog and actually USE it. This blog is where I will post the random interesting, depressing, encouraging, and sometimes weird things that happen during my everyday life. I hope that it will let people see the work of the Lord in my life and the amazing opportunities he gives us in our work here in the Philippines. To start it off, I want to tell you about a man named Al Jay.
Al Jay is a deaf-mute man who dropped by the BSC last Wednesday (July 25) in between my classes that evening. He is a student at a Presbyterian Seminary about 20 minutes away from our office, but he is originally from another island, Negros Occidental. He came to Cebu to take classes at this seminary with the idea of beginning a deaf ministry. Since his first visit he has visited one more time and we have "talked" a lot. I say talk, but because I cannot yet sign, we were writing things on the paper with some signing in the middle from him. When you are having a conversation entirely through written correspondence (like letters, text messaging, or even email and chatting) you really have to make sure you know what you want to say and how to say it. It was pretty neat, though.
I do know a little sign language; the alphabet and some random words. I taught myself the alphabet using a really neat plastic coated place mat my grandparents gave me, but we had some visitors here years ago who taught us some of the actual signs. Rachael and Jon learned more than me, but I have recently become inspired! Sign language is really interesting! I have really enjoyed learning some simple signs and plan on mastering it! Dad gave me a book on Philippine Sign Language and I have looked through it a little, trying to memorize the signs as I go. I also found a really great website: http://www.lifeprint.com/, which has been really helpful. If you're interesting I suggest you check it out!
Al Jay decided to take some of our correspondence courses and told me that he really enjoys them! I gave him a copy of our course Jesus: Man of the Bible and our course Archaeology and the Bible, which he has already been working through. He brought back the completed answer sheets for the first books of both yesterday, and I gave him the next book in the series. God has seen fit to give me the opportunity to visit with Al Jay and perhaps be an influence on him. Please keep this situation, along with all the opportunities we have, in your prayers. God can do great things if we only let him :)
I'm off for today. Thanks for reading!
"I am able to do all things in the one who strengthens me" Philippians 4:13 (SAM)
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