I know that practically EVERYONE is familiar with the Parable of the Sower. It's an amazing story Jesus told to teach everyone that it is not enough for us to just listen to what he says, but we also need to obey him. In the parable he talks about a sower (someone who plants seeds in a field, NOT a tailor :) ) who sows seeds on four different types of soil. These soils represent the different kinds of people who will hear the message and the way they will respond to it. One thing that's really neat about this parable is that we do not have to try and figure out what Jesus meant by this parable, for he explains it to us. The following is my translation of the parable.
Matthew 13:1 In that day after going Jesus went out of the house he sat beside the sea; 2 And many people gathered together to him, so after getting into a boat he sat. 3 And he spoke to them many things in parables saying; "Behold the sower came out to sow. 4 And while he sowed on the one hand (seeds) fell along the road, and after coming the birds ate them. 5 Yet they fell upon the rocky (ground) where they did not have much earth, and immediately they sprung up because they did not have depth of soil; 6 But after the sun rose they burned up and dried up because they did not have root. 7 Yet they fell upon the thorny (ground), and the thorns went up and choked them. 8 Yet they fell upon the good earth and they gave fruit, on the one hand one hundred, and on the other hand sixty, and on the other hand thirty. 9 Let the one having ears hear.
(Note: my translations are usually pretty rough. I like to stay as close to the original as possible.)
Jesus' apostles come to him and ask him why he speaks in parables, so he explains the prophecy of Isaiah to them. He then explains the meaning of the parable.
18 Therefore you hear the parable of sower. 19 The evil one comes and seizes the (seed) which has been sown in the heart of every one hearing the word of the kingdom and not understanding, this is the one (seed) which was sown alongside the road. 20 And the one which was sown upon the rocky soil, this is the one hearing the word and receiving it immediately with joy, 21 But he does not have root in himself but is passing, and after tribulation or persecution comes on account of the word immediately he is caused to stumble. 22 And the one which was sown into the thorns, this is the one hearing the word, and the worry of the age and the deceit of riches chokes the word and it becomes unfruitful. 23 And the one which was sown upon the good earth, this is the one hearing the word and understanding, who indeed is bearing fruit and makes one the one hand one hundred, and on the other hand sixty, and on the other hand thirty.
One thing that didn't register in my brain until recently is the similarities between these types of soil. The first one is really the easiest to spot, because they never grow and the seed never has a chance to take root in the soil. The other three, however, start out the same! The seed on the rocky ground sprang up and grew for a while, but then died because they had no root. The seed which fell on the thorny ground grew for a while, but then were choked by the thorns. Then, the seed which fell on the good soil grew up, and because it was on the good ground it grew and produced an amazing amount of fruit!
These are all referring to people, right? This is the part that scares me. Just because you have the seed in you and are growing now does NOT mean that you will continue. Are you rocky soil, on which God's word has been planted and been growing but will soon give up because of trials. Are you thorny soil, who is currently thriving but will give in to the cares of the world? Are you good soil, which will produce fruit in excess? When do you know what kind of fruit you are?
You could become any of these kinds of fruit at any time!!!
Just because you are strong now does not mean that you will be forever. At any moment the evil one could throw something at you which could cause you to forget your responsibility and give up to either difficulties or the cares of the world.
I find this thought rather scary. I could, at any moment, be discovered to be any one of these three kinds of soil! I wonder if this isn't a parable about receiving the gospel but more a warning to those of us who already have received it. Life in this world isn't easy, and my father likes to joke that we can rest when we're dead. Every day of our life is a battle for our Christianity. While some people may have more difficult struggles than others, we have the promise of 1 Corinthians 10:13. God knows each and every person's capabilities, which means that we can survive anything that is thrown at us.
If this parable teaches us nothing else, it shows us that nothing is permanent. Each of the three soils (rocky, thorny, and good) GREW! Just because they started good doesn't mean that they finished good. I encourage you to keep fighting your battle and strive to produce 30, 60, or even 100 times for the harvest. Only then will our master say "Well done good and faithful servant..."