I know you are wondering what on earth a blog with this title could have to tell anyone. Just be patient. All will be revealed... :)
Today was my day off! I spent most of my morning and afternoon reading about New Testament history, which is really interesting!!! If you are ever interested in reading about NT history, grab a New Testament Survey book. I have been reading the one written by Merril C. Tenney, which has been very informative. I also have The New Testament: It's Origin, Development, and Background by Bruce Metzger, which I also recommend. READ THEM! :)
I decided to go to the mall this afternoon to pay some bills and window shop. I rode a Jeepney there, which is a form of public transportation. I paid 10 pesos (about 25 cents) to get from my house to the mall. On the way there we passed through the center of town and I was reminded of something which I (fortunately) don't get to see very often.
Because of the sun today, I wore my sunglasses which I bought in the US last time we were on furlough. I was looking around from inside the jeep and suddenly, from out of nowhere, one of the hundreds of children in Cebu who live on the street jumped from the outside of the jeep and grabbed my sunglasses in an attempt to steal them! His plan backfired a little as the cheap plastic broke and all he was able to run off with was one of the temples (the part which holds the glasses to your head and rests on your ears). The rest of the pair fell onto the floor of the jeepney. I was a little disgusted. He didn't know that they only cost $5, but still, stealing someone's glasses? I guess I was more disappointed than anything else, after all, it's only a pair of sunglasses, but this boy made the effort to jump in and grab them off my face!
Thinking back on that, I was reminded of something Jesus said which I'd like to share with you.
Luke 12:13 But a certain one out of the crowd said to him; "Teacher, tell my brother to divide the inheritance with me."
14 But he said to him; "Man, who set me as judge or divider to you?"
15 And he said to them; "You watch and you keep from every greed, because life is not in what abundance a person has out of his possessions."
16 But he said a parable to them while saying; "The country of a certain rich man was fruitful.
17 And he considered in himself while saying; 'What will I do, because I have no place where I will gather together my fruits?'
18 And he said; 'This is what I will do, I will take down my storehouses and I will build up greater storehouses and I will gather together every wheat and my good things there
19 And I will say to my soul, "Soul, you have many good things being laid into many years; you refresh, you eat, you drink, you rejoice'
20 But the God said to him; 'Unthinking one, they demand from you in this the night the soul of you; the things you prepared, to whom will they be?'
21 Thus will be the one treasuring for himself and not becoming rich into God."
I made this translation and tried to be as close to the original as possible. Please read another translation if you need clarification :)
Greed is messy, isn't it? That's my bit :) Have a great rest of your week!